You are invited to join us

As Marcus Buckingham recently told us - Life isn’t a climb

There are three categories of Chair that are invited to join us, the common factor being that all have been a Chair of a launched Vistage or TEC group at some point in their career:

1. Current US Vistage Chairs

These will be Chairs with a minimum of 10 years tenure at September 2024.

2. Current Vistage/TEC Chairs from the Rest of the World

These will be Chairs with a minimum of 5 years tenure at September 2024.

3. Former Vistage/TEC Chairs.

A minimum of 10 years as a US chair or 5 years as a RoW Chair in total, i.e. the total time you have served as an active Chair for Vistage plus other organisations.

Why are there different tenure requirements?

The difference in tenure reflects the respective maturity of our different communities.