Guardians of the Flame

You are invited to join us in Edinburgh from 26th to 29th September 2024*

Not long now:

We are delighted (and rather excited) to announce the first in-person Guardians of the Flame gathering is now confirmed. The hotel is booked and we’re good to go! 

As you know, Guardians of the Flame (GOF) was initiated by Iain Lindsay during COVID and offered an important connection point for us as a community of Chairs. 

Since then, we’ve been developing this idea with GOF essentially the younger sibling of Keepers of the Flame and taking place on this side of the pond. As the younger sibling of Keepers of the Flame (KOF) we honour the same purpose of Guarding the Flame of chairing by talking about life, not work…coming together to renew our purpose, our spirit…to be inspired and nourished by each other.

And GOF 24 will engender this inspiration, this nourishment with the aid of a theme: Light and Dark 

Edinburgh is the city that gave birth to one of Western culture’s most iconic and enduring stories: Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. So be prepared to immerse yourself in the medieval closes (alleyways) of the city, where light and dark jostle with each other as we reflect upon our own personal relationship with light and dark, how our strengths have their shadow side, how we all need both light and dark, and how they co-exist for each of us.


Our working sessions on the Friday and Saturday of GOF will take place in two different and evocative locations in the city, these locations will be both our anchors and our jumping off points as we encourage you to get outside and let the city itself seep into your consciousness, into your thinking so the place itself influences your conversations, your responses.

GOF Purpose:

We Guard the Flame of chairing. We honour the work by not talking about the work but by talking about life. We come together to renew our purpose, our spirit.

We will be inspired, provoked, and nourished by each other.

We will have a blast!

  • Subject to meeting the requirements set out on the About You page